"> True North Vapor | Meet The Staff
Meet The Staff

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Meet The Staff

Over the last year and a half, we’ve been fortunate as a company to consistently grow; not just financially but also in the products we offer and the staff we employ.  The latter of that sentence is what I’d like to talk about today, because without the right people within a company working towards a common goal, it would be difficult to see any growth at all.

The largest area of improvement we have seen recently has been in our physical retail shop.  I know that a vast majority of consumers who purchase products from us are nowhere near our warehouse.  To those of you who are in the Brantford area, I’d like to invite you in to meet the some of the key faces who represent our business.



Somehow this amazing woman manages to be both a full-time employee and full-time mom while maintaining our “Vaping with Lisa” segments on YouTube.  With a bubbly personality and unparalleled product knowledge, Lisa keeps our retail shop running and well stocked with a vast array of products to service everyone from the intermediate to advanced users as well as a healthy supply of herbal products too.

As one of our resident experts, Lisa is extremely proficient in assisting customers who aren’t quite sure what product they need but are willing to say what they think they’re looking for.  If you’re new to vaping or looking to make a transition from cigarettes and not quite sure where to start; ask for Lisa and she will point you in the right direction without breaking the bank.


If you’re looking to speak with someone who loves a good laugh with a dash of sarcasm, Jamie has a sense of humour that nearly everyone can enjoy.  An unbelievably creative and intelligent individual who is likely reading this article with red pen in hand so she can inform me of every grammatical or spelling error I’ve made, Jamie is both a writer and editor in her spare time.  Jamie also takes care of our social media accounts.

Having been trained by her sister, Lisa, Jamie is will equipped to assist with any technical issues you may have with your devices.  Jamie is a perfect example of what we strive to achieve in this industry, having gone from being a smoker to a vaper who now uses 0mg of nicotine; she is a great example a non-smoker thanks to e-cigarettes.


An e-sports athlete in his spare time, Tyler is regularly ranked within the top 300 League of Legends players in North America.  He has a passion to be the very best like no one ever was.  His dedication spills into everything he puts his mind to and has an attitude that whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.

Although Tyler is still quite new with us here, his e-cigarette knowledge is phenomenally solid.  Tyler is also humble enough to say “I’m not sure, but I can find out.”  His dedication to customer service is top notch and he will go out of his way to make sure you have everything you need before you leave the store.

So, come on in, meet the staff and say hi while stocking up on your herbal and vaping needs.  We love meeting new people and hold a special place in our hearts for our long-time regulars too.

Tim Howey

General Manager

True North Vapor


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