"> True North Vapor | Company Feature: Part 3 – Ferrum City
Company Feature: Part 3 – Ferrum City

Blog, Blog Post, Distribution, Ferrum City, News, Tim Howey, True North Vapor, Vaping -

Company Feature: Part 3 – Ferrum City

With all the brands of e-liquid from around the world, it can be really hard to pick a product line to bring into our catalogue.  Sometimes our wholesale customers ask if we can get a certain brand, but more often than not we receive a call from someone looking for a distributor in Canada for their products.  Ferrum City is one of those cases where both and neither is true.

I received an email from another brand owner we’ve worked extensively with who recommend that we reach out to Jason from Ferrum City.  Right from day one, Jason has been a phenomenal guy to talk to.  A steel worker by trade for more than 10 years in Pittsburgh, Jason turned into the creator of “The Smelted Line” by Ferrum City.

Ferrum is the latin term for iron and the origin of its periodic designation Fe, meaning “Iron City”.  After creating Smelted, a complex recipe with over 16 ingredients, Jason knew he had something special as it began to sell more and more.  This lead (pun intended) to the creation of more dessert flavours such as Poured, Torched and Number 11!  All of the flavours in the Smelted line contain over 10 ingredients which delivers a consistent flavour throughout the bottle that you simply cannot find anywhere else.

I have seen business owners in this industry from various backgrounds create some amazing flavours.  Jason took an industry he knew very well and meshed it into a theme-based product line, combining two things he was passionate about.  When a creator puts as much heart into a brand and recipe like this, you owe it to yourself to give this product a try; you wont regret it!


Tim Howey

General Manager

True North Vapor


Copyright © 2019 True North Vapor - POWERED BY DVINE


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