"> True North Vapor | Company Feature: Part 10 – Dripping Sour/RA
Company Feature: Part 10 – Dripping Sour/RA

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Company Feature: Part 10 – Dripping Sour/RA

José and I started chatting late last spring/early summer about his Dripping Sour lines, as well as the RA lines that him and an old partner had created.  At this point in time, I hadn’t even tried the product.  Nick from DVine Labs, who specializes in knowing the success or potential success of international brands, had suggested that we take a serious look into Dripping Sour.  Skitzo in particular had shown some amazing promise in the US market, so after working out a few of the finer details, we scheduled a launch date in Canada.

With all the products we purchase from around the world, it’s rare that I am given the opportunity to meet the owners and flavour creators of a product outside of a phone chat.  Even rarer is that I get to spend a reasonable amount of time with those same people.  Last week was one of those amazingly rare opportunities.  My wife and I had planned a vacation on a cruise leaving from Miami, which just so happens to be where today's Company Feature is based out of. 

When José found out that we were going to be in the area, he offered to pick my wife and I up at the airport and treat us to breakfast before our cruise.  We only had a couple of short hours to chat with both him and his wife, who are the most amazing and down to earth people you could ever meet, but we had a great time chatting about e-liquid and everything else under the sun.  After we got off the ship a week later, we had a full day to wait for our flight and were able to spend the day in Miami with José again.  It is a rare feeling to step foot into another country and still feel at home.

Tim and Jose Dripping Sour

I’ve said many times that the result of a product is impacted heavily by the care and attention to details of those who craft it.  Having met the owners in person and experienced their generosity and hospitality, it is no surprise that the products they have created show the same care in the final product. 

If you are into fruity flavours with a sour kick and want to taste the sour rainbow, give Skitzo a try.  If you like fruit in general, try anything from the five lines that José has brought to Canada: Dripping Sour, Dripping Sour Rolled Up, Blueberry Sourade, Gush'n and YUMZ.


Tim Howey

General Manager

True North Vapor


Copyright © 2019 True North Vapor - POWERED BY DVINE


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