If you use a vaping device with available wattage and temperature adjustments, you may occasionally find yourself wishing that things could be just a bit simpler. You’ve set your device to what you think might be the best vaping wattage – you’re happy enough with your experience, at least – but is your wattage actually ideal for the best possible combination of flavor quality and coil longevity? That’s what we’re going to explore in this article. If you want to keep things simple, you’re free to set your vaping device to the wattage that provides sufficient warmth, flavor and vapor volume to make you happy. This article is for people who want to explore vaping wattage a bit further and really tweak things for an even better experience.
Get the Recommended Wattage Range From the Side of the Coil
During the development process, manufacturers test their coils at different wattage settings to determine how they’ll perform best. That’s usually done using a testing machine that “puffs” on the coil for about two seconds at a time. Through testing, the manufacturer determines the minimum wattage at which a coil generates an acceptable amount of vapor and the maximum wattage at which it can handle two-second puffs consistently without burning. That’s the recommended wattage range for the coil, and you can usually find it etched into the coil housing. Although you don’t have to vape within that wattage range, you should definitely use that range as a starting point when finding your own ideal vaping wattage.
Adjust Your Wattage for Your E-Liquid Type
You’ve probably noticed that e-liquid comes in a range of different thicknesses depending on its VG/PG ratio. The more vegetable glycerin an e-liquid contains, the thicker it will be. For most tanks and coils, the manufacturer will determine the recommended wattage range using an e-liquid with a 50/50 VG/PG ratio. If your e-liquid contains more than 50 percent VG, it’ll be thicker and will flow through your coil’s wick openings more slowly. You may therefore need to compensate by vaping at a lower wattage setting.
Adjust Your Wattage for Your Puff Length
As mentioned above, manufacturers rate their coils with the assumption that people will use them for about two seconds per puff. If you like to inhale slowly and deeply when vaping, you should vape at the bottom end of your coil’s recommended wattage range – or even a little below that range. Otherwise, you could burn the coil’s wick. If you prefer quick puffs and like your vapor hot and full of flavor, on the other hand, you may be able to push your coil a bit higher than the maximum recommended wattage. As long as you don’t taste a burned flavor, you can vape at whatever wattage you like.
Wattage Considerations for Temperature Control Vaping
If you vape in temperature control mode, your device’s wattage isn’t necessarily static. Rather, the wattage is a preheat setting that determines how quickly your coil will reach the maximum temperature you set. When you switch from wattage-based vaping to temperature control vaping, the first thing you’ll discover is that, when you vape in wattage mode, your coil probably reaches much higher temperatures than you realize. If you switch to temperature control mode and keep your wattage setting the same, you’ll probably pass your device’s temperature limit immediately. To keep your coil below the temperature limit, you’ll most likely need to vape at a lower wattage than you normally would.
Troubleshoot a Spitting or Popping Atomizer
Does your atomizer ever make loud popping noises when you vape? Does it sometimes shoot droplets of e-liquid into your mouth? Adjusting your vaping wattage is one of the things that you can do to troubleshoot those issues. If your wattage setting is too low, the air pressure that you create when you vape could actually draw e-liquid through your coil’s wick too quickly for the coil to efficiently vaporize it. When that happens, the coil will begin to flood. Wick oversaturation is the reason why vaping coils sometimes pop and spit. If that happens to you, try increasing your vaping wattage slightly so the coil can vaporize the e-liquid more efficiently.
Try Setting a Custom Wattage Curve
With some vaping devices, you can set a custom wattage curve rather than vaping at only one wattage. When you use that function, your device varies its wattage as you hold the fire button down. Try a wattage curve that starts high and decreases slowly. The higher initial wattage will help to get your coil hot enough to begin producing vapor instantly. By configuring your device to lower its wattage as you continue holding the button, though, you’ll continue getting good vapor production while reducing the risk of burning your coil’s wick.
Adjust as Necessary for Coil Burnout
Coil burnout is the biggest annoyance that most vapers face. Most vaping coils use cotton wicks, and cotton can burn if it’s dry. Once the cotton wick in a vaping coil is burned, the vaping experience is degraded until you replace the coil. If you’re vaping with a coil that has a burned wick, you’ll get a terrible burned taste every time you inhale.
Are you getting a bad taste when vaping because your coil’s wick is burned? There’s one way to find out. When you remove the coil from your tank, examine the metal wire. If the wire is covered with a thick, dark film, you’re not burning the wick – you’re using a sweetened e-liquid. A sweetened e-liquid will leave a film behind that shortens coil life.
If the metal still looks shiny and new, it’s likely that the wick is burned. You can confirm that by pushing the wick out of the coil assembly. A black mark between the cotton and the metal indicates a burned wick. Even if it’s just a tiny singe, you’ll still taste it when you vape. You can solve that problem in the future by lowering your device’s wattage and shortening the duration of your puffs.
Jason Artman is the owner and author of eCig One. A professional freelance writer and SEO consultant with more than a decade of experience, Jason works with vaping companies around the world to increase their targeted web traffic and improve their revenue
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