"> True North Vapor | A Debt of Gratitude
A Debt of Gratitude

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A Debt of Gratitude

Back in the summer of 2018 when we first started our YouTube Channel with a segment called “Vaping With Lisa”, our goal was to provide a platform that would help educate purchasers of the varying products that we carry at True North Vapor. A new regulation has taken affect which unfortunately eliminated the option to try flavors in store.

We recently hit 90 brands in our catalogue and the need for this platform has increased significantly. It has been interesting to watch the viewer and subscriber count rise every time we upload a new video and the feedback from the comments section has been amazing.

Recently, when watching a vape reviewer I follow from the UK, I was blown away to receive a mention/shout-out from him and being awarded as the best international new comer to the scene. I wanted to show my appreciation, so I reached out to The Devil Vaper and covertly figured out what sort of flavour profiles he tends to enjoy so we could put a little thank you care package together for him. Again, to our surprise, he decided to do an unboxing of those products on his channel!



I was so grateful and appreciative that it only felt right to showcase his video on our website and thank him publicly. I remember how excited I was when I heard The Devil Vaper say my name in his video that I ran upstairs to my coworkers, made them stop everything just to watch the video. It’s hard to explain the feeling and gratitude so to keep it simple, I just want to say thank you for noticing me!

~ Lisa



Copyright © 2019 True North Vapor - POWERED BY DVINE


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